Official election ballot for the 2018 Peekskill Business Improvement District’s Board of Directors
Dear BID Member:
Please find on the back of this letter your official election ballot for the 2018 Peekskill Business Improvement District’s Board of Directors. There are two ways to vote:
Please mark and complete your ballots and bring with you to the annual meeting on February 27, 2018 at The Eagle Saloon 21 South Division Street, Peekskill, NY 10566 at 7pm. Tenants in commercial spaces should bring a copy of their signed lease or a letter from the property owner verifying tenancy.
If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting, we will accept your ballot by email if you scan and send it to: Emailed absentee ballots must be received by 5:30pm on 2/27/2018 and tenants in commercial spaces must include a copy of their signed lease or a letter from the property owner verifying tenancy.
Eligible property owners may vote for up to three candidates from those listed or you may add a write-in candidate. There are three property owner seats open.
Eligible commercial tenants may vote for one candidate from those listed or you may add a write-in candidate. There is one commercial tenant seat open.
We will be posting information from each of the listed candidates to our website soon, so please visit for additional information.
If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, please RSVP to Executive Director Bill Powers at peekskillbid1@gmail.comso that we may compile an accurate headcount for food service. Cash bar available.
William J. Powers
Executive Director
16 South Division Street Peekskill, NY 10566 914-737-2780